Job Invoices

Job Invoices provides a complete list of all invoices within the current job. Invoices in NIM are logged to track key dates for when the invoice is required to be sent, when it is delivered, due, and paid. These dates are used to determine the invoice status and the overall job billing status.


Invoice Dashboard

The Invoice Dashboard displays summarized information of the invoices created for the job.


Hide Dashboard


To hide the dashboard, click on the arrow button at the top right of the Invoice Dashboard.

Click the button again to reveal the dashboard.

The dashboard visibility setting will be remembered between logins.

Summarized Totals

At the left of the panel are summarized totals for:

Actual Total

Total amount to be invoiced derived from the Job Actualization Total

Invoice Total

The total of all job invoices “Sent” or “Paid”

Not Sent

The total of all invoices created but not “Sent” or “Paid”

Accounts Receivable

The total of all invoices “Sent” but not “Paid”. This total does NOT include Overdue invoices


The total of all invoices “Due” but not “Paid” by the “Due” date

Amount Paid

The total of all invoices “Paid”

Outstanding Balance

The Invoice Total minus Amount Paid

Not Invoiced

The Actual Total minus Invoice Total



The Invoices grid includes the following information:


The invoice number


The job the invoice is created for


The user who created the invoice. The owner is automatically set at the time the invoice is created.


The currency of the invoice amount


The invoice amount


The scheduled date to send the invoice out


The date the invoice was sent out


The due date of the invoice


The date the invoice was paid


The overall status of the invoice based upon the Scheduled/Sent/Due/Paid dates

Invoice Status

The invoice status is determined by comparing the current date to the date logged for each action item on the invoice.

Action items include:
  • Scheduled

  • Sent

  • Due

  • Paid

Based on the state of the action items, one of the following statuses will be automatically applied:

Not Invoiced

No action item has been set with a date or the “Scheduled” date is in the future


The “Scheduled” date is in the past and no other action items have been set


The “Sent” date has been set and the “Due” date is either not set or set in the future.


The “Due” date is in the past and a “Paid” date has not be set


The “Paid” date has been set


If at anytime the “Paid” date is set, the invoice will be marked as paid regardless of the other action items state.


The Invoice grid supports job number, name, owner, and status quick filtering, as well as column menu filtering.


To filter the grid by a column menu, hover over the column you wish to filter. This will display the column ellipsis menu. Click the ellipsis to the right of the column header to reveal the full column menu. Select your filter parameters from the Filter menu option and click Filter to filter the grid.


Edit an Invoice


To edit the status of an invoice, click on the invoice line item in the grid.

The Invoice Details will slide out to the right of the grid.

To edit an invoice, click on a row from the grid to load the invoice info panel.

Click on the ellipsis menu in the invoice info panel and choose “Edit”. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button at the bottom of the info panel to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the view mode without saving changes.

Delete an invoice entry by selecting the invoice from the grid, clicking the ellipsis menu in the invoice panel, and selecting Delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the invoice.

Invoice details include:


The invoice number

Created By

The user who created the invoice


The description of the invoice


The currency of the invoice


The invoice amount


The scheduled date to send the invoice


The date the invoice was sent


The due date of the invoice


The date the invoice was paid


Dates can be entered by typing a date directly into the input field or by clicking the calendar icon at the right of the date field to select a date using the mini calendar input.