Job Actuals

Job Actuals are a comprehensive worksheet for balancing the financial status of a job. In addition to a general financial overview, Job Actuals include Projections for projecting costs during production, the Actualization worksheet to balance hard costs and expenses, and summations of time and expenses categorized by Task and by Crew.


To open Job Actuals, click on the Production > Actuals item from the Job Menu.

The Job Actuals are comprised of sections:

  • Overview

  • Projection

  • Actualization

  • Tasks

  • Crew

Job Actuals Dashboard

The Job Actuals Dashboard displays summarized information related to the job financial calculations for the estimated, projected and actual totals.


The dashboard includes totals for:

Bid Subtotal / Total

The sum total of awarded bids

Bid Cost

The sum total of awarded bid’s hard costs

Bid Profit

Estimated total minus the estimated cost

Bid Margin

Estimated profit divided by the estimated total

Projected Cost

The total projected hard costs

Projected Profit

The actual total minus projected cost

Projected Margin

The projected profit divided by the actual total

Actual Total

The total of awarded bids, additional billed amounts, and adjusted reconciliation amounts

Actual Cost

The total of all actual hard costs

Actual Profit

The actual total minus the actual cost

Actual Margin

The actual profit divided by the actual total

If a bid includes tax, the option to include tax in the bid and actual subtotals displayed will be available as a checkbox at the lower left of the dashboard.



Actual Total is used in Invoices to determine the final billing amount. Tax will always be included in the Invoices Actual Total.

When a user has access to this section but does not have the View Financial Details permission, Projected Cost / Profit and Actual Cost / Profit are removed.


Hide Dashboard

To hide the dashboard click on the arrow button at the top right of the Job Actuals Dashboard.

Click the button again to reveal the dashboard.

The dashboard visibility setting will be remembered between NIM logins.


Job Actuals Overview

The Overview tab is selected by default when opening Studio Actuals.

There are three sections displayed on this page:

  • Actual Cost Per Location

  • Hours Timeline RT/ OT1 / OT2 / NB

  • Hours per Bid Item, Locations, and Users for RT / OT1 / OT2 / NB

In Actual Cost Per Location pie chart, clicking on an item in the legend will hide and unhide that value in the chart.

In the Timecard chart, hovering the cursor over points in the graph will display the total for that point in time.


Selecting the Items, Locations, or Users tab will load the corresponding bar charts.

Hovering over the bar chart will show the total for the item under the cursor.


Selecting the Locations tab displays RT / OT1 / OT2 / NB grouped by Location.



Selecting the Users tab displays RT / OT1 / OT2 / NB grouped by Users.



Projections allow users to estimate time and expenses prior to and during production using crew rates and expenses allocated to the job.

There are five main sections to Projections:


The list of users assigned to the Job Crew

Bid Items

All bid items on awarded bids that are NOT flagged as 3rd Party Costs. Projected costs entered on bid items should be costs that are NOT associated with paying the crew. Crew costs are taken into account in the Crew section.


All expense items on awarded bids that are NOT flagged as 3rd Party Costs

Third Party Costs

All items flagged as 3rd Party Costs on awarded bids

Additional Projected Items

User defined additional expenses to factor into projections


Save Changes

Any time a change is made to the projections, the save button will turn red. nim_save_changes

This means there are unsaved changes and clicking off the page will loose any modifications. Click the red save button to save the changes. The save button will be grey when there are no new changes to be saved.

Projection Period

The Projection Period dropdown defines the time frame to estimate crew hours and expenses.

Projections can be calculated in 3 different time frames:
  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Full Term

Changing a projection time frame will retain any information from the currently selected timeframe.

For example:

Users can start by projecting the Full Term of the job and during production switch to a Weekly or Daily method without loosing the information already entered.


When using a Daily or Weekly projection period a time range appears to the right of the Projection Period dropdown. Use the left and right arrows to navigate to the desired dates to enter projection information.



Information entered into a projection time frame will only apply to that particular time frame.

Show Actuals

The job actuals information can be displayed inline of the projection information in each of the input sections.


To display the current actuals for each item click the Show Actuals box to enable the checkmark.

To hide the current actuals click the Show Actuals box to remove the checkmark.


All users assigned to the job crew will appear in the crew grid.

Crew information is listed as:


The user’s full name


The user’s employment type defined in the user’s profile

User Type

The user type defined in the user’s profile

Rate Type

The rate type defined on the job crew list


The rate defined in the job crew list


The amount of P&W defined in the job crew list

Projected RT

Entry for estimation of regular time for the selected projection period

Projected OT

Entry for estimation of over time for the selected projection period

Projected DT

Entry for estimation of double time for the selected projection period

Projected Hardcost

The calculation of projected hardcost based on the users rate, rate type, and P&W factored against the projected RT/OT/DT entered


Enter Projected RT, OT1, & OT2 in the respective columns for the selected projection period.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Projected Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved.


When a user has access to this section but does not have the View Financial Details permission, Projected Hardcost and Actual Hardcost columns in the Crew grid are not displayed.


Bid Items

Bid Items displays a grid of all bid items in all awarded bids that are not flagged as a 3rd Party Cost.


Under the Projected Non-Crew Hardcost column, enter the amount desired for the selected projection period. Note that this amount does not include any costs paid to crew members, since those costs are accounted for in the Crew section.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Projected Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved.


Expenses displays a grid of all expense items in all awarded bids that are not flagged as a 3rd Party Cost.


Under the Projected Hardcost column, enter the amount desired for the selected projection period.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Projected Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved.

Third Party Costs

Third Party Costs display a grid of items flagged as 3rd Party Costs in all awarded bids.


Under the Projected Hardcost column enter the amount desired for the selected projection period.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Projected Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved.

Additional Projected Items

Additional Projected Items allows users a place to enter unique projection entries that do not fall under the above categories.


To add a new projected item click the nim_add_button_blue button at the top right of the Additional Projected Items grid.

A blank line item will appear with a Projected Hardcost of $0.

Click the nim_edit_button button at the right of the item row.


Enter a name for the item as well as a value to be included in the projection expenses calculation.

Click the nim_accept_button at the right of the item row to save the changes.

The Projected Amounts will be updated immediately upon saving the item’s changes.


The actualization tab provides up to date information for the current financial status of a job. The information here is calculated using the timecards entered for the job as well as any expenses logged in the job.

For expenses that exceed the billed amount there is an opportunity to apply a reconciliation amount to be billed back to the client as well as apply markup or discount before adding to the Actual Total.

There are four main sections to Actualization:

Timecard Actualization

The bid line items for associated tasks on entered via timecards

Bid Items Without Submitted Timecards

Bid line items for all awarded bids that are not marked as 3rd Party Costs and do not have associated tasks on entered timecards


All expense items from awarded bids and expenses that are not marked as 3rd Party Costs

Third Party Costs

All bid items from awarded bids and expenses that are marked as 3rd Party Costs

Additional Billed Items

User defined additional charges to be billed to the client. The total is added to the Actual Total.


Save Changes

Any time a change is made to the actualization, the save button will turn red. This means there are unsaved changes and clicking off the page will loose any modifications. Click the red save button to save the changes. The save button will be grey when there are no new changes to be saved.

nim_save_grey nim_save_changes

Excel Export

Click the nim_excel_button button to export the actualization to Excel.

An Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded with tabs for each section of the actuals.

Timecard Actualization

Timecard Actualization displays a grid of bid line items for all awarded bids that have associated tasks on entered timecards.

The Timecard Actualization grid contains information related to:

Bid Item

The name of the bid line item

Bid Units

The total of units bid for all awarded bids

Bid Hours

The total of hours bid for all awarded bids

Estimated Hours

The total of hours estimated on tasks associated with this bid line item

Actual Hours

The total of hours logged by user timecards associated with this bid line item


The total of all regular time hours logged by user timecards associated with this bid line item


The total of all overtime rate 1 hours logged by user timecards associated with this bid line item


The total of all overtime rate 2 hours logged by user timecards associated with this bid line item


The total of all non-billable time hours logged by user timecards associated with this bid line item


The difference between the Bid Hours and the Actual Hours. Hours under the amount of Bid Hours are denoted in ()

Billed Amount

The total of bid line items for all awarded bids

Bid Hardcost

The total of bid line item hardcosts for all awarded bids

Actual Hardcost

The calculated hardcost based on each user’s timecards and their respective rate type entered in the Job Crew

Clicking on a row in this section will expand the bid item to display a detailed breakdown of all task types selected in timecards that are contributing to the bid item total.



When a user has access to this section but does not have the View Financial Details permission, Billed Amount, Bid Hardcost, and Actual Hardcost columns in the Timecard Actualization grid are removed.


Bid Items Without Submitted Timecards

Bid Items Without Submitted Timecards displays all line items for all awarded bids that do NOT have associated tasks on entered timecards.

The Bid Items Without Submitted Timecards grid contains information related to:

Bid Item

The name of the bid line item

Bid Units

The total of units bid for all awarded bids

Bid Hours

The total of hours bid for all awarded bids

Billed Amount

The sum total of bid line items for all awarded bids

Bid Hardcost

The sum total of bid line item hardcosts for all awarded bids

Actual Hardcost

The actual hardcost of the bid item


The location to assign the cost. This defaults to the Assigned Studio location.


To reconcile costs for these items, enter a value in the Actual Hardcost field for each line item.

The Save button at the top right of the Actuals Dashboard will turn red indicating there are unsaved changes.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Actual Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved.


Expenses displays a grid of all expense line items for all awarded bids.

The Expense grid contains information related to:

Expense Type

The type of the expense

Billed Amount

The sum total of expense line items for all awarded bids

Bid Hardcost

The sum total of expense line item hardcosts for all awarded bids

Actual Hardcost

The sum total of expenses entered on the job that match the expense type

Reconciliation Amount

The difference between the Actual Hardcost and the Billed Amount. Items over the original Billed Amount will be denoted by ().


Markup to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount


Discount to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount

Adjusted RA

The adjusted Reconciliation Amount as determined by Markup or Discount

Add To Total

Determines if this amount should be applied to the Actual Total


Reconciliation Amounts

If an expense during production has exceeded the original billed amount there is an opportunity to recoup the expense cost as a reconciliation amount.

To determine the reconciliation amount, enter the additional Markup or Discount to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount in the respective columns. The Adjusted Reconciliation Amount will be automatically calculated.

Alternatively, the Adjusted Reconciliation Amount may be entered directly in the Adjusted RA column and the applicable Markup or Discount will be automatically calculated.

To add this value to the Actual Total, mark the checkbox at the right of the expense line item in the Add to Total column.


When checked, the Adjusted RA will be added to the Actual Total to reflect the new total amount needed to be billed to the client.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Actual Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved. The total Adjusted RA is the total amount that has been enabled to be added to the Actual Total.



The Actual Total is the amount used in Invoices when analyzing if the job has been fully invoiced.

Third Party Costs

Third Party Costs displays a grid of all third party cost line items from all awarded bids.

The grid contains information related to:

Third Party Cost

The type of the bid item or expense marked as a 3rd party cost

Billed Amount

The sum total of 3rd party costs of this type for all awarded bids

Bid Hardcost

The sum total of this type of 3rd party cost hardcosts for all awarded bids

Actual Hardcost

For bid items: the actual cost of this item, input here manually - For expenses: the sum total of expenses entered on the job that are marked as 3rd party costs and that match this expense type

Reconciliation Amount

The difference between the Actual Hardcost and the Billed Amount


Markup to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount


Discount to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount

Adjusted RA

The adjusted Reconciliation Amount as determined by Markup or Discount

Add To Total

Determines if this amount should be applied to the Actual Total


Similar to expenses, if a third party cost has exceeded the original billed amount, there is an opportunity to recoup the cost as a reconciliation amount.

To determine the reconciliation amount, enter the additional Markup or Discount to be applied to the Reconciliation Amount in the respective columns. The Adjusted Reconciliation Amount will be automatically calculated.

Alternatively, the Adjusted Reconciliation Amount may be entered directly in the Adjusted RA column and the applicable Markup or Discount will be automatically calculated.

To add this value to the Actual Total, mark the checkbox at the right of the expense line item in the Add to Total column.

When checked, the Adjusted RA will be added to the Actual Total to reflect the new total amount needed to be billed to the client.

Click the nim_save_changes button to save the changes.

The Actual Amounts will be updated in the Actuals Dashboard once the current changes are saved. The total Adjusted RA is the total amount that has been enabled to be added to the Actual Total.


The Actual Total is the amount used in Invoices when analyzing if the job has been fully invoiced.

Additional Items

Additional Billed Items provides a place to enter billing entries that do not fall under the above categories.


To add a new billed item, click the nim_add_button_blue button at the top right of the Additional Billed Items grid.

A blank line item will appear with an Additional Billed Amount of $0.

Click the nim_edit_button button at the right of the item row.


Enter a name for the item as well as a amount to be included in the actualization expenses calculation.

Click the nim_accept_button at the right of the item row to save the changes.

The Actuals Amounts will be updated immediately upon saving the item’s changes.


The Tasks tab displays information related to the total of hours and hardcosts allocated to Tasks logged to the job. If timecards have been allocated directly to specific tasks, then the total cost of the associated assets or shots will be displayed.


When a user has access to this section but does not have the View Financial Details permission, all Actual Hardcost columns are hidden.


Task Types

The Task Types grid shows all timecard hours and crew costs organized by task type.

Task Type

The name of the task type

Estimated Hours

The total estimated hours assigned to tasks of this type on this job

Actual Hours

The total actual hours entered via timecard for this task type


The total of regular time hours assigned to tasks of this type on this job


The total of overtime rate 1 hours assigned to tasks of this type on this job


The total of overtime rate 2 hours assigned to tasks of this type on this job


The total of non-billable hours assigned to tasks of this type on this job


Displays the difference between the Estimated Hours and the Actual Hours

Actual Hardcost

The total of hard costs based on the associated bid line item’s hard cost


Asset/Shot Tasks

The Asset/Shot Task grids show all timecard hours and crew costs organized by task type per asset/shot.

Assets tasks are grouped by asset.

Shot tasks are group by shot, and then by show to see the totals of each.

Task Type

The name of the task type


The description associated with the object

Estimated Hours

The total estimated hours set for the object

Actual Hours

The total actual hours entered via timecard for the object


The total of regular time hours entered via timecard for the object


The total of overtime rate 1 hours entered via timecard for the object


The total of overtime rate 2 hours entered via timecard for the object


The total of non-billable hours entered via timecard for the object


Displays the difference between the Estimated Hours and the Actual Hours

Actual Hardcost

The total hard costs calculated from crew rates and time entered


Excel Export

Click the nim_excel_button button to export the task breakdown to Excel.

An Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded with tabs for each section of the actuals.


The Crew tab displays information for the total hours and hardcosts allocated to the Crew of the job.



The user who logged time against the job via timecards

User Type

The user type defined in the user’s profile


The employment type defined in the user’s profile

User Group

The user groups associated with the user


The user keywords associated with the user

Employee ID

The user’s employee ID defined in the user’s profile

Directory ID

The user’s directory ID defined in the user’s profile

Rate Type

The current rate type active for the user


The current rate active for the user


The current P&W amount defined by the users job crew settings

Effective Hourly Rate

The Effective Hourly Rate (EHR) is derived from changes to a user’s rate over time as well as any hourly adjustments made to timecards via payroll rules.

Average Hourly Cost

The Average Hourly Cost (AHC) is derived from the User Cost compared to the total number of hours worked, regardless of any rate multipliers (OT1/OT2). This provides information on how much you are truly spending per hour on employees.


The total of regular time hours defined by the users job crew settings


The total of overtime rate 1 hours defined by the users job crew settings


The total of overtime rate 2 hours defined by the users job crew settings


The total of non-billable hours defined by the users job crew settings

Total Hours

The total hours based on the number of hours entered via timecards

Adjusted Hours

The total hours based on the number of hours entered via timecards adjusted by any payroll rules

User Cost

The total amount paid to the user (does not includes P&W)

Average P&W

The average P&W percentage for the user

Total Hardcost

The total hard cost based on the users rate defined by the users job crew settings


The difference between the Effective Hourly Rate and the Average Hourly Cost can help you determine if you are spending enough in overtime charges to hire an extra person at no additional cost to keep all employees within standard rates.

The Crew grid can be filtered by user keywords, groups, and names using the filters at the top right of the grid.

Additionally the grid can be grouped by column values by dragging and dropping column headers onto the “Group” bar.



When a user has access to this section but does not have the View Financial Details permission, all Actual Hardcost columns are hidden.

Excel Export

Click the nim_excel_button button to export the crew breakdown to Excel.

An Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded with the crew information.