

The NIM Maya Connector allows users to manage file directly through the integrated file browser. Browsing by Jobs & Assets or Shows, Shots, and Tasks allows users to circumvent navigating the servers folder structure and use the flow of production to open and save files.

When using NIM’s project structure management, the connectors manage all file naming conventions using task-centric organization of basenames, tags, and versions.

For an in depth look at the NIM Maya Connector functionality, check out the video here:

NIM - Maya Connector from NIM Labs on Vimeo.

Additional NIM videos can be found here:


The following procedures describes how to install the integrated Maya NIM Connector. The connector creates a NIM menu within the main Maya menu for file management. The script and the following installation procedures have been tested with Maya 2013 and later.

There are 2 steps to installing the Maya NIM Connector.
  • Add the NIM Module

  • Edit the userSetup.mel file

The NIM Connector folder structure is as follows:

nim             <-- NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT

In the following examples [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT] is the path to the top level NIM folder.

Replace all instances of [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT] with the actual path to the folder.

NIM Module

The NIM Connector is installed as a Maya module.

For more information about Maya modules see the Maya Documentation.

Copy the [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT]/plugins/Maya/install/nim.mod file to your module path.

The default locations for MAYA_MODULE_PATH are: (Examples shown for Maya 2025)


  • C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya<version>/modules

  • C:/Users/<username>/Documents/maya/<version>/modules

  • C:/Users/<username>/Documents/maya/modules

  • C:/Program Files/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Modules/maya/<version>


  • /Applications/Autodesk/maya<version>/

  • $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/modules

  • $HOME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/modules

  • /Users/Shared/Autodesk/modules/maya/<version>

  • /Users/Shared/Autodesk/modules/maya


  • /usr/autodesk/maya<version>/modules

  • $HOME/maya/<version>/modules

  • $HOME/maya/modules

  • /usr/autodesk/modules/maya/<version>

  • /usr/autodesk/modules/maya

Application Preference Directories:

OSX MAYA_APP_DIR = ~<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya

LINUX MAYA_APP_DIR = ~<username>/maya

Edit the nim.mod file using a standard text editor.

Update the module directive to the full path of the NIM Maya module and the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to your [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT]:

+ NIM 1.0 [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT]/plugins/Maya


Maya’s userSetup.mel file can be found in the following locations:







If you do not have a userSetup.mel, copy the file [NIM_CONNECTOR_ROOT]/plugins/Maya/setup/userSetup.mel to your maya/scripts location.

If you have an existing userSetup.mel file, add the following line to the end of the userSetup.mel to invoke the NIM menu at startup:


The next time Maya is started, a NIM menu should appear in the main Maya menu.

If you don’t see the NIM menu, it’s likely that Maya is loading another userSetup.mel file from somewhere. Maya can only load one userSetup.mel file.

To solve this, either configure Maya to point to the file mentioned above, or modify the file that Maya is currently using as explained above. To determine which userSetup.mel file Maya is using, launch Maya and then open the Script Editor. Run this command:

whatIs userSetup.mel

Setting Preferences

If you have already installed and launched other NIM Connectors your connection preferences will already be saved in the nim.prefs file.

The NIM preferences are in the following locations:







If this is the first time accessing a NIM Connector, when you access the NIM menu a dialog box will appear to enter the path of the NIM API.

Enter the path as follows:


where [hostname] is the address you have assigned to the NIM server.

API Keys

NIM API keys are an optional security feature that restricts API access with time limited per user keys. Requiring API keys restricts all API access to only those users with an API key.

If Require API Keys is enabled in ADMIN/Security - Options, users will be presented with a dialog box the first time they attempt to use a NIM Connector. API keys are unique to each user. Enter the NIM API key provided to you by your NIM administrator. For more information on enabling NIM API Keys please refer to the API Keys section of the documentation. For information on creating user API keys please refer to the Users Grid section of the Administration documentation.

Open / Import / Reference

Use OPEN, IMPORT,or REFERENCE to load an existing NIM version or publish.

NIM will automatically handle path translations for files saved using different operating systems.
  • Path translation settings are defined in the Server Administration section of NIM


The following steps outline the workflow to open a file:

  1. Job:
    • Files are loaded by first selecting the job from a list of jobs the user is assigned to.

  2. Assets / Show Tab:
    • Assets or Shows/Shots are accessed by selecting the appropriate type from the tabs.

  3. Asset & Shots:
    • In Assets, a list of assets on the selected job are available.
      • Select the asset from the Asset dropdown

    • In Shows/Shots, two dropdowns are available.
      • Select the show on the job from the Show dropdown.

      • After selecting a show, the available shots will be loaded into the Shot dropdown.

      • Select the desired shot from the Shot dropdown.

  4. Filter:
    • Once the Asset or Shot is selected, the files may be filtered by:

    • Asset Master - Selects the Asset Master if one is set
      • Available when an asset is selected

      • Only available for Import & Reference

    • Published - Displays only published files

    • Work - Displays all working versions

    • If Asset Master is selected click the IMPORT or REFERENCE button to load the Asset Master.

  5. Task:
    • Tasks show all tasks that have been made available to the current application. This is defined in the Task Types Administrative section of NIM

    • If Published or Work is selected, select the Task Type to load the corresponding basenames.

  6. Basenames:
    • The available basenames for the selected task appear in the basename list.

    • Select the desired basename from the list

    • If loading an IMPORT or REFRENCE and the Published filter is selected click the IMPORT or REFRENCE button to load the published basename.

    • If using the OPEN dialog and the Published filter is selected, selected a basename will display the list of published versions.

  7. Versions:
    • If the Work filter is selected, choosing a basename will load all working versions in the versions list.

    • The version list displays the version file name as well as the version comment.

    • Select the working version from the Version list.

    • The version details will be displayed below including:
      • Path - the full path to the file

      • User - the user who saved the version

      • Date - the date the version was logged

      • Comment - the version comment

    • Click the OPEN, IMPORT, or REFERENCE button to load the working version.


When Importing or Referencing a file and additional option to group the files upon load is available.
  • Check the Group box to enable grouping

  • Files will be grouped under the name of the file being loaded


Save As / Save Selected

  • Start a new basename

  • Save a file into an existing basename

  • Export part of a scene to a new or existing basename

    If saving into an existing basename you will be prompted to either:

    • Save the file into the existing basename as the latest version.

    • Start a new basename by adding a tag.


Follow these steps to save a file:

  1. Job:
    • Files are loaded by first selecting the job from a list of jobs the user is assigned to.

  2. Server:
    • Select the project server to save the file to.

      The project servers are defined in the NIM job under Production / Config

  3. Assets / Show Tab:
    • Assets or Shows/Shots are accessed by selecting the appropriate type from the tabs.

  4. Asset & Shots:
    • In Assets, a list of assets on the selected job are available.
      • Select the asset from the Asset dropdown

    • In Shows/Shots, two dropdowns are available.
      • Select the show on the job from the Show dropdown.

      • After selecting a show, the available shots will be loaded into the Shot dropdown.

      • Select the desired shot from the Shot dropdown.

  5. Task:
    • Tasks show all tasks that have been made available to the current application. This is defined in the Task Types Administrative section of NIM

    • Select the Task type from the Task dropdown.

  6. Basenames:
    • A list of available basenames are displayed.

    • To save into an existing basename:
      • Select the basename from the basename list

      • Enter a comment in the Note field ( 8 )

      • Choose the file type if options are presented

      • Choose the Selected checkbox (10) if you wish to save only selected items in the scene if presented

      • Click SAVE AS
        • The filename will be named automatically and versioned up in the current basename.

        • The version information will be logged into NIM on the corresponding Asset or Shot including:
          • Filename

          • File Path

          • Owner

          • Date

          • Version

          • Note

    • To create a new basename:
      • Enter a Tag (7) to append to the basename ( OPTIONAL )

      • Enter a note in the Comment field (8)

      • Choose the File Type (9) if options are presented
        • Modifying the file type extension will change the file type saved.

      • Choose the Selected checkbox (10) if you wish to save only selected items in the scene if presented

      • Click SAVE AS
        • A new folder with the Task Folder name will be created under the NIM ASSET_ROOT or SHOT_ROOT as appropriate

          Task Folder names are defined in the Task Types Administrative section of NIM

        • A new Maya project will be created for the basename under the Task Folder with the basename as the name of the project

        • All versions of this basename will be saved to the scenes folder within the basename Maya project

        • images path in the Maya workspace file will be set to either the ASSET_RENDERS or SHOT_RENDERS path as defined in the assigned NIM project structure.

        • The file will be named according to the following convention
          • File naming is defined as:
            • Asset: assetname_taskShortName_version

            • Shot: shotname_taskShortName_version

          • Adding a tag to a basename will append the tag in the following convention:
            • Asset: assetname_taskShortName_tag_version

            • Shot: shotname_taskShortName_tag_version

        • The version information will be logged into NIM on the corresponding Asset or Shot including:
          • Filename

          • File Path

          • Owner

          • Date

          • Version

          • Note

Version Up

  • To version up a file that is already part of a NIM version stream, choose VERSION UP from the NIM menu.

  • A dialog box will appear with an entry to add a note.

  • Enter the note and click OK.

    • The file will be saved to the appropriate location.

    • The filename will be automatically versioned up.

    • The version information will be logged into NIM on the corresponding Asset or Shot including:
      • Filename

      • File Path

      • Owner

      • Date

      • Version

      • Note

  • A confirmation dialog box will appear:

  • Click OK to close the dialog box and continue working


Publishing a version saves the working file, creates a published file, and generates a versionless version of the basename version stream:

When using these versionless versions in Maya Referencing, the references will be automatically updated as new versions are published.


Follow these steps to publish a file:


To publish a file you must be in an existing version stream

All non-editable fields will be greyed out

  1. Comment:
    • Enter the comment that will be saved with the version and published files

  2. File Extension:
    • Choose a file extension.

    • Modifying the file extension will change the file type saved.

  3. Publish SymLink:
    • This enables NIM to create the symlink for the versionless version

    • Deselecting this checkbox will create a copy of the file instead of creating a symlink

Click Publish:
  • First this will save the current working version as a new version

  • A new file with a _PUB tag appended to the name will be saved and flagged as the current published file.
    • These _PUB “published” files are not considered a “working” file and filtered out of the version stream when loading working files

    • Creating a separate publish file aids in the prevention of modifying a publish by accident

  • A “versionless” version of the basename will be linked at the root level of the Task folder.
    • eg. CAR_MOD_v01.mb will be linked as CAR_MOD.mb

When a published file is saved the _PUB file is the currently loaded file. NIM will ask you if you wish to revert the scene to the current working version.