User Dashboard¶
When users first login to NIM they will be presented with a dashboard with tabs providing direct access to any jobs on which they are a member of the crew, all tasks they have been assigned, all review items they own, as well as any notes they are associated with.

Getting Started
If you are just getting started with NIM and no jobs have been created, you will be preseted with the Getting Started screen to walk you through some first steps to jump into NIM.
The dashboard jobs tab displays all jobs on which the user is a member of the crew and is displayed by default when first logging in or accessing the dashboard. Each job row contains basic information including the job number, name, description, start and end date. Clicking on a job row will take you to the corresponding job overview.

Job Charts¶

At the right of the row are two charts displaying the total number of tasks assigned to the user as well as the number of days left for the job based on the jobs end date. Hovering over the task chart will show the task count per task status. Similarly, hovering over the days chart will show the number of days left out of the total number of day for the job.
If there are active jobs in NIM, but the user is not a member of the crew on any jobs, the jobs tab will display the message: You are not assigned to any active jobs.
Job Filters¶
The job dropdown in the toolbar filters the job list by the contained jobs.
Options include:
All Jobs |
Includes all jobs where the user is a member of the crew. |
Active Jobs |
Includes all jobs where the user is a member of the crew and the job’s “Activity Status” is marked as “Active” |
Bookmarked Jobs |
Includes all jobs where the user is a member of the crew and the job has been bookmarked by the user. For more information on bookmarking jobs, please refer to the Job Bookmarks section of the documentation. |
The dashboard tasks tab provides direct access to a user’s assigned tasks and all the related information including notes, review items, and renders without loading a job. When a task has been assigned to a user, the task will appear on the users dashboard. Tasks are presented here in a compact view with the basic task information. Clicking on a task row will open the task info panel for full access to the task details.

For more detailed information on working with tasks, please refer to the Task Overview section of the documentation.
Filter Tasks¶
The list of tasks in the dashboard can be filtered using the dropdown menus in the toolbar.

The first dropdown filters the tasks by the contained jobs.
Options include:
All Jobs
Includes all jobs where the user is assigned a task.
Active Jobs
Includes all jobs where the user is assigned a task and the job’s “Activity Status” is marked as “Active”
Bookmarked Jobs
Includes all jobs where the user is assigned a task and the job has been bookmarked by the user. For more information on bookmarking jobs, please refer to the Job Bookmarks section of the documentation.
The second dropdown filters the tasks by the selected job. The first dropdown will filter the list of available jobs in this dropdown.
Lastly the third dropdown will filter the list of available tasks by the selected task status.
Edit Tasks¶
Clicking on the task will open the task info panel where users can modify details of the task, add notes, upload review items, and log renders. Once the task info panel is open, click on the ellipsis menu at the top right of the info panel and choose Edit. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button at the bottom of the info panel to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the view mode without saving changes.

For more information on editing tasks, please refer to the Task Details section of the documentation.
Delete Tasks¶
Delete a task entry by selecting the task, clicking the ellipsis menu in the task info panel, and selecting Delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the task.
Load Job Task¶
While working directly from the dashboard can be convenient, sometimes you need to see the task information in context. Clicking on the path at the top of the task will take you to the corresponding list view within the job and automatically open the task in the info panel.

The path to the task will highlight when you are hovering over the link.
Review allows users to upload video, still images, and PDF documents for markup and notes. These review items are available to all users within a given context, such as a job, or shot, so any comments can be shared easily with all team members. Whiteboarding tools allow users to write directly on video frames, stills, or PDF pages and save the markup as individual notes that can be exported in PDF form or emailed directly through the rule based notifications. Review items on the users dashboard can be any items that have been uploaded directly to the dashboard review context or any item the user owns throughout NIM.

For more information on working with NIM Review, please refer to the Review section of the documentation.

User notes are accessible directly from the dashboard notes tab, as well as at all times from the NIM toolbar by clicking on the button.
All notes created in response to the user, or threads started by the user are accessible in this view.
In addition to the standard note information, dashboard notes provide unread indicators for notes and replies as well as a check box to mark items as addressed. Click on the unread indicator to change the read status.

For more information on working with notes, please refer to the Notes section of the documentation.
Filter Notes¶
Notes can be filtered using the dropdown options by:
Unread |
“Unread” notes include all notes and replies where the user has at least one unread item |
Inbox |
“Inbox” is all notes directed to the user or in response to the user |
All |
“All” is all notes that the user is attached to including ones the user created |

Clicking the note icon with the checkmark at the top left will mark all notes and replies as read.
Toolbar Access¶
Accessing notes from the toolbar opens a full height panel to provide easy access to reply to notes from anywhere in NIM.