The schedule is a structured plan used to manage users and resources in a company that allocates specific resources (such as personnel, equipment, licenses, etc.) to particular projects over a defined period. The schedule ensures that resources are efficiently utilized, avoiding conflicts or overbooking, and enabling the company to meet project deadlines, optimize workflows, and manage workload distribution effectively.

The schedule ensures that:
Resource Availability: Users are assigned to projects where they are most needed, without being double-booked or scheduled beyond capacity.
Project Timelines: Projects are completed on time by efficiently allocating resources based on availability and project priority.
Efficient Utilization: The schedule helps distribute workloads evenly among team members, preventing burnout and maintaining productivity.
Conflict Avoidance: By visualizing resource allocation, the schedule prevents conflicts where two projects might otherwise compete for the same resources at the same time.
Financial Efficiency: Optimizing resource allocation can reduce costs by ensuring that resources are used only when needed, minimizing idle time.
In essence, a well-managed resource schedule is a crucial tool for maintaining operational efficiency, meeting deadlines, and ensuring that all resources are optimally deployed to achieve company goals.
To access the Schedule, navigate to Studio > Schedule from the Main Menu.
Schedule Sections¶
The schedule structure organizes the key components of project management into three distinct sections:
Dedicated views for each section provide a clear and organized approach to managing the complexities of project scheduling, making it easier to align jobs, users, and resources with company goals. Project managers can track progress, allocate resources, and monitor utilization effectively, ensuring that all aspects of the project are coordinated smoothly.
This area is essential for tracking the timeline and progress of various jobs. By filtering based on date ranges and other criteria, project managers can quickly identify which jobs are active, upcoming, or completed within a specified period. This helps in planning and ensures that deadlines are met.

The job view denotes the active job start and end date by darkening date cells that exist outside of the job’s duration. This visual cue helps in identifying the job’s timeline at a glance, making it easier to track progress and manage resources effectively.
Events can be added to a job by double-clicking on a cell within the job’s timeline, which opens the edit panel for creating a new event, or by dragging and dropping users, user groups, resources, resource groups, or bundles from the Event Panel onto a cell within the job’s timeline. This feature streamlines the process of assigning resources to jobs, ensuring that the right people and equipment are allocated to the project.
Additional features in the job view include:
Job Details¶

Hovering over a job in the schedule displays a pop-up with essential details, such as job name, status, start date and end date. This quick view provides a snapshot of the job’s progress and helps in monitoring its status without having to open the job details page.
Add Users To Crew¶

Clicking on the ellipsis menu next to the job name opens a menu with the option to add users who have an event on the job to the job crew. This feature streamlines the process of assigning the right team members to specific jobs, ensuring efficient allocation of personnel to the project. When adding users to the crew from the schedule, managers can select users based on their current event status, making bulk allocation easier and more efficient.
Create Event From Crew¶

Clicking the ellipsis menu next to the job name provides the option to create an event for the entire job crew. This feature allows managers to quickly generate a single event for all users assigned to a job, with the event duration automatically set to the job’s start and end dates, streamlining the scheduling process and ensuring all team members are accounted for.
Go to Job Start/End¶

Clicking on the ellipsis menu next to the job name opens a menu with the option to navigate to the job’s start or end date. This feature allows managers to quickly jump to the beginning or end of a job’s timeline. This is especially useful when working with long-term projects or when needing to focus on specific phases of a job.
Open Job¶
Clicking on the ellipsis menu next to the job name opens a menu with the option to Open Job. Selecting Open Job will navigate you away from the schedule to the job overview page associated with the event. This provides a quick way to access the associated job details and manage the job as needed.
Make Unique¶

In the Users and Resources views, users or resources within a combined event can be separated into individual events using the Make Unique option in the right-click menu. This feature is especially valuable when scheduling users or resources individually, particularly if their availability differs from the rest of the group.
The Users section focuses on the human resources involved in the projects. By default, the full list of NIM users is displayed as defined in the Users Admin section of NIM. By applying filters, managers can see which users are available, whose time is currently allocated, and how their time is being utilized. This view helps in balancing workload, preventing over-scheduling, and ensuring that the right people are assigned to the right jobs.

Events can be added to a user by double-clicking on a cell within the user’s timeline, which opens the edit panel for creating a new event. Alternatively, users, user groups, specific resources, resource groups, or bundles can be dragged and dropped from the Event Panel onto a cell within the user’s timeline. This feature streamlines the process of associating the right people and allocating equipment to the appropriate user.
User Details¶

Hovering over a user in the schedule displays a pop-up with essential details, such as the user’s location, user groups, keywords, timezone, user type, and employment. This quick view provides a snapshot of the user’s information without having to open the user details page.
The Resources section lists the non-human resources required for completing tasks, such as equipment, software licenses, or facilities. The list of available resources can be defined in the Resource Admin section of NIM. Filtering helps in managing the availability and allocation of these resources, ensuring that they are used efficiently and not booked beyond capacity.

Events can be added to a resource by double-clicking on a cell within the resource’s timeline, which opens the edit panel for creating a new event. Alternatively, users, user groups, specific resources, resource groups, or bundles can be dragged and dropped from the Event Panel onto a cell within the resource’s timeline. This feature streamlines the process of associating the right people and allocating equipment to the appropriate resource.
Resource Details¶

Hovering over a resource in the schedule displays a pop-up with essential details, such as the resource’s description, location, resource groups, and keywords. This quick view provides a snapshot of the resource’s information without having to open the resource details page.
Schedule Views¶

The schedule can be viewed by Day, Week, or a range of months, depending on the selected view type.
The month range is adjustable in 3-month increments, from 1 Month up to 1 Year. To change the month range, click the dropdown arrow next to the view selector and choose the desired range.
To switch the calendar view, click on the corresponding view type at the top right of the calendar.
Range View¶
The range view displays events one month at a time, with the display range determined by the range dropdown in the view selection. Events span daily cells based on their start and end times, with all-day events covering the entire day and events with specific times only occupying the relevant portion of the day.

Double-clicking on an event opens a dialog to edit its details, while right-clicking on an event brings up a menu with options to edit, copy, or delete the event. For more information on adding, editing, and deleting events, please refer to the Schedule Events section of the documentation.
Week View¶
The week view displays events one week at a time, with each event spanning daily cells according to its start and end times. All-day events will cover the entire day, while events with specific times will only occupy the relevant portion of the day.

Double-clicking on an event opens a dialog for editing its details. Alternatively, right-clicking on an event brings up a menu with options to edit, copy, or delete the event. For more information on adding, editing, and deleting events, please refer to the Schedule Events section of the documentation.
Day View¶
The day view displays events one day at a time, with each event spanning hourly cells according to its start and end times. All-day events will cover the entire day, while events with specific times will only occupy the relevant portion of the day.

Double-clicking on an event opens a dialog for editing its details. Alternatively, right-clicking on an event brings up a menu with options to edit, copy, or delete the event. For more information on adding, editing, and deleting events, please refer to the Schedule Events section of the documentation.
Hours Displayed¶

The day view offers the option to display the day’s hours either as “Full Day” or “Business Hours.” The “Business Hours” range is determined by the “Work Day Start” and “Work Day End” settings in Admin > Schedule - Options.
To expand the daily hours to show the full day, click the Show Full Day button at the lower left of the schedule.
To revert to displaying only business hours, click the Show Business Hours button at the same location.
Hourly Interval¶

The division of time for the week and day view is determined by the “Day View Interval” value in Admin > Schedule - Options.
This value affects the number of subdivisions available in the view and the time selector, but does not limit the value at which the start or end time for an event can be manually set.
Events Panel¶
The events panel provides a comprehensive list of users, user groups, resources, resource groups, and bundles within the “Events” tab, all of which can be assigned to events in the schedule. You can easily drag and drop these items onto the schedule to create new events or assign them to existing ones.

Accessing the Event Panel¶

To open the events panel, click the “Events & Conflicts Panel” button in the schedule toolbar.
The panel will slide out, displaying the available items that can be assigned to events.

To collapse the events panel, click the “Events & Conflicts Panel” button again.
This will hide the panel, providing more space for the schedule view.
Users / User Groups¶

The “Users” tab in the events panel displays a list of all users and user groups that can be assigned to events in the schedule.
Switching between Users and User Groups¶

The “Users” and “User Groups” buttons at the top of the Users tab allow you to switch between viewing individual users and user groups.
This feature provides flexibility in managing user assignments, allowing you to easily switch between assigning individual users or groups of users to events.
User and User Group Search¶

The search field at the top of the Users tab enables you to quickly find specific users or user groups by name.
Simply type the name of the user or user group you are looking for in the search field and press enter. The list will then filter to display matching items. To clear the search, click the “X” button in the search field or delete the search text and press enter.
Drag and Drop Users and User Groups¶
Users and user groups can be dragged and dropped onto the schedule to create new events or assign them to existing ones, making it easy to manage user assignments.
Drag and Drop Instructions¶

To drag a user or user group onto the schedule, click and hold the drag handle to the left of the item, then drag it to the desired location on the schedule.
Creating a New Event: Dragging a user onto the schedule will create a new event for that user. Dragging a user group onto the schedule will create a new event for all users in the group.
Assigning to Existing Events: Dragging a user onto an existing event will assign that user to the event. Similarly, dragging a user group onto an existing event will assign all users in the group to the event.
Target Area¶

The target area will be highlighted when the item is held over it. Release the mouse button to drop the item onto the schedule.
Cancel Drag and Drop¶
To cancel a drag operation, simply release the mouse button outside of the schedule area or press the ESC button.
User and User Group Details¶

Hovering over a user or user group in the events panel displays a pop-up with essential details, such as the user’s location, user groups, keywords, and timezone, or the group’s description. This quick view provides a snapshot of the information without requiring you to open the user’s or user group’s details page.
Resources / Resource Groups¶

The “Resources” tab in the events panel displays a list of all resources and resource groups that can be assigned to events in the schedule.
Switching between Resources and Resource Groups¶

The “Resources” and “Resource Groups” buttons at the top of the Resources tab allow you to switch between viewing individual resources and resource groups.
This feature provides flexibility in managing resource assignments, allowing you to easily switch between assigning individual resources or groups of resources to events.
Resource and Resource Group Search¶

The search field at the top of the Resources tab enables you to quickly find specific resources or resource groups by name.
Simply type the name of the resource or resource group you are looking for in the search field and press enter. The list will then filter to display matching items. To clear the search, click the “X” button in the search field or delete the search text and press enter.
Drag and Drop Resources and Resource Groups¶
Resources and resource groups can be dragged and dropped onto the schedule to create new events or assign them to existing ones, making it easy to manage resource assignments.
Drag and Drop Instructions¶

To drag a resource or resource group onto the schedule, click and hold the drag handle to the left of the item, then drag it to the desired location on the schedule.
Creating a New Event: Dragging a resource onto the schedule will create a new event for that resource. Dragging a resource group onto the schedule will create a new event for all resources in the group.
Assigning to Existing Events: Dragging a resource onto an existing event will assign that resource to the event. Similarly, dragging a resource group onto an existing event will assign all resources in the group to the event.
Target Area¶

The target area will be highlighted when the item is held over it. Release the mouse button to drop the item onto the schedule.
Cancel Drag and Drop¶
To cancel a drag operation, simply release the mouse button outside of the schedule area or press the ESC button.
Resource and Resource Group Details¶

Hovering over a resource or resource group in the events panel displays a pop-up with essential details, such as the resource’s location, resource groups, keywords, and description, or the group’s description. This quick view provides a snapshot of the information without requiring you to open the resource’s or resource group’s details page.
Event Bundles¶

Event bundles are a powerful feature in the schedule that allows you to create and manage unique combinations of users, user groups, resources, and resource groups.
These bundles can be quickly dragged and dropped onto the schedule to start new events or be added to existing events, streamlining the scheduling process.
Creating and Managing Bundles¶
To access the Bundles, click on “Bundles” tab at the top of the events panel. This will display a list of all available bundles that can be assigned to events in the schedule.
Creating a New Bundle¶

To create a new bundle, click the Add Bundle button at the top of the Bundles list in the Events panel.
A new bundle entry will appear at the top of the list.
Enter a Name for the bundle to easily identify it.
Add a Description to provide more context about the bundle’s contents and purpose. This description will be shown when hovering over the bundle in the list.
Select the items to include in the bundle:
Users: Add specific users who are part of the bundle.
User Groups: Add user groups to include all members in the bundle.
Resources: Select individual resources to be included in the bundle.
Resource Groups: Add resource groups to include all members in the bundle.
After configuring the bundle, click the checkmark icon to save your changes. If you wish to discard the changes, click the cancel button.
Editing a Bundle¶

To edit an existing bundle, click the edit icon (pencil) to the right of the bundle name. This will allow you to modify the bundle’s name, description, and items.

Once you’ve made your changes, click the checkmark to save them. If you decide not to make changes, click the cancel button.
Deleting a Bundle¶
If you need to delete a bundle, simply click the X to the right of the bundle name. This will remove the bundle from the list.
Bundle Search¶

The search field at the top of the Bundles tab enables you to quickly find specific bundles by name.
Simply type the name of the bundle you are looking for in the search field and press enter. The list will then filter to display matching items. To clear the search, click the “X” button in the search field or delete the search text and press enter.
Drag and Drop Bundles¶
Bundles can be dragged and dropped onto the schedule to create new events or assign them to existing ones, making it easy to manage assignments.
Drag and Drop Instructions¶

To drag a bundle onto the schedule, click and hold the drag handle to the left of the item, then drag it to the desired location on the schedule.
Creating a New Event: Dragging a bundle onto the schedule will create a new event for that bundle. This will add all users, users in associated user groups, resources, and resources in associated resource groups included in the bundle to the new event.
Assigning to Existing Events: Dragging a bundle onto an existing event will assign that bundle to the event. This will add all users, users in associated user groups, resources, and resources in associated resource groups included in the bundle to the event.
Target Area¶

The target area will be highlighted when the item is held over it. Release the mouse button to drop the item onto the schedule.
Cancel Drag and Drop¶
To cancel a drag operation, simply release the mouse button outside of the schedule area or press the ESC button.
Bundle Details¶

Hovering over a bundle in the events panel displays a pop-up with the bundle’s description. This quick view provides a snapshot of the information without requiring you to edit the bundle to see the details.
Example Use Case¶
One practical use of bundles might be creating a combination that includes a specific user, their workstation, and any software licenses they need. For instance, a bundle named “Andrew’s Workstation” could include the user Andrew, their workstation (e.g., LAW01), and necessary software licenses (e.g., Maya License, Houdini License).
Bundles are highly customizable, allowing you to streamline event creation and resource allocation by grouping together all necessary elements for a production.
Bundles provide an efficient way to manage complex scheduling scenarios by allowing you to pre-configure combinations of users and resources, ensuring that all necessary components are included when scheduling events.
Conflicts Panel¶
The Conflicts Panel is an essential tool for managing and resolving scheduling conflicts within the schedule. This panel displays all active event conflicts that arise during the scheduling process, allowing you to quickly identify and address issues to ensure a smooth workflow.

The Conflicts panel is designed to ensure that scheduling conflicts are quickly identified and efficiently resolved, helping you maintain accurate and effective schedules. By using the tools available within the panel, you can navigate through conflicts, understand their causes, and take appropriate action to correct them, thereby improving the overall scheduling process.
For more information on creating and managing conflict rules as well as resolving conflicts, please refer to the Schedule Conflicts section of the NIM documentation.
Accessing the Conflicts Panel¶
There are several ways to access the Conflicts panel in the schedule, making it easy to view and manage conflicts as needed.
Opening the Conflicts Panel¶

To open the Conflicts panel, click the “Events & Conflicts Panel” button in the schedule toolbar and select the “Conflicts” tab.

To collapse the Conflicts panel, click the “Events & Conflicts Panel” button again. This will hide the panel, providing more space for the schedule view.
Conflict Indicator¶

When there is an active conflict in the schedule, a ! indicator will appear in the schedule toolbar to the left of the search field. Clicking on this conflict indicator will immediately open the Conflicts panel.
Identifying Conflicts¶

Events that are in conflict within the schedule are visually indicated by an orange border around the event. Events not in conflict will not have this border.

Right-clicking on a conflicted event will bring up a menu with an option to “Identify Conflicts.” Selecting this option will open the Conflicts panel and highlight the corresponding conflict in the list, making it easy to locate and resolve.
Understanding the Conflicts Panel¶
The conflicts panel provides a detailed overview of all active conflicts in the schedule, including the type of conflict, the users or resources involved, and the specific conflict details. This information helps you quickly identify the cause of the conflict and take appropriate action to resolve it.

Conflict Timezone¶
At the top of the Conflicts panel, the relevant timezone is displayed. All day events are date centric and independent of timezone. This timezone is used to determine conflicts for all-day events. If an all-day event overlaps with an event that has a specific start and end time, the user’s timezone will determine if a conflict exists.
Conflicts List¶

Each conflict listed in the Conflicts panel includes detailed information:
Conflict Rule: The rule that triggered the conflict, helping you understand why the conflict occurred.
Start: The start date of the conflict, indicating when the overlap or issue begins.
User or Resource: The specific user or resource involved in the conflict. Clicking on the name will take you directly to that user or resource in the schedule and the start of the conflict.
Status and Limit: Basic conflict rule information, including the status and event limit, providing additional context for the conflict.
Schedule Events¶
Schedule events include unique title, description, and status details, along with links to locations, users, resources, and jobs. Events can be scheduled to start and end at specific times in varying timezones or marked as “All Day” events that span across start and end dates. Additionally, the repeat event option allows users to create events that recur over a defined period of time.
Event Information¶
Each event contains 3 tabs: Details, Duration, and Utilization, allowing you to manage the event’s specific information, duration, and utilization values effectively.

The Details tab provides specific information about the event, including the title, description, status, location, job, users, and resources.
Events can be linked to a specific job and/or location, while multiple users and resources can be assigned to an event, allowing you to manage complex scheduling scenarios effectively.
Detail Fields include:
Title |
Description |
Status |
Location |
Job |
Users |
Resource |

The Duration tab allows you to set the start and end times for the event, as well as the option to mark it as an all-day or repeating event.
All-day events span across start and end dates without specific times and operate independent of timezones.
Events with a specific start and end time can be set to different timezones, allowing you to manage events across different regions effectively.
Events can be set to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, with additional settings to define the event repeat rules. For more information on repeating events, please refer to the Repeating Events section of the NIM documentation.
Duration Fields include:
Start |
End |
Timezone |
All Day Event |
Repeat |
Repeating Events¶

Repeating events are events that occur multiple times over a defined period.
When creating a repeating event, you can define the frequency and end date of the recurrence, as well as additional rules to determine how the event is propagated to future recurrences.
If the event is part of a repeating series of events, there will be a repeat icon at the left of the event indicating that this is a repeating event.
Repeat Rules¶
When a Repeat option is selected, additional fields are available to define the repeat rules. Depending on the selection, increasingly complex rules can be defined as the Repeat value gets larger. All options include a Repeat Every and an End value to determine the frequency and end of the recurrence, while Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly options additionally include a Repeat On value to further refine how the event is propagated to future recurrences.
Daily Repeat Example¶

The example at the right displays the options available for a Daily repeat cycle.
Weekly Repeat Example¶

The example at the right displays the options available for a Weekly repeat cycle.
Monthly Repeat Example¶

The example at the right displays the options available for a Monthly repeat cycle.
Yearly Repeat Example¶

The example at the right displays the options available for a Yearly repeat cycle.
Timezone Options¶

The Timezone options are available when the All Day Event checkbox is unselected. When the All Day Event checkbox is selected, the Timezone options are disabled.
Clicking the Timezone button opens the Timezones options dialog.
By default, Use separate start and end timezones is enabled.
De-selecting this option will remove the End Timezone dropdown and only the Start Timezone dropdown selection will be used.
Below the Start and End timezone dropdowns is an additional field to select a city within the selected timezone.

The Utilization tab provides inputs to set the event’s utilization values, allowing you to manage resources effectively.
The user and resource utilization fields can be set in hours or units, respectively, and are calculated against the user’s or resource’s capacity to determine their overall utilization.
This information helps you ensure that user and resource demands are allocated appropriately for the event and can be calculated accurately over the duration of the schedule.
User Utilization Values¶
User utilization values determine the utilization amount for any user assigned to the event. The user utilization is set in hours and calculated against the user’s capacity for the day.
Resource Utilization Values¶
Resource utilization values determine the utilization amount for any resource assigned to the event. The resource utilization is set in units and calculated against the resource’s capacity for the day.
Utilization Values:
User Utilization |
Resource Utilization |
Lowering Capacity By Status¶
By default, all events will add to the user or resource overall utilization. You also have the option to lower the user or resource overall capacity over the duration of an event by setting a status that has the “Lower Capacity” value set to YES.
When a status is set to “Lower Capacity” the user or resource capacity will be reduced by the utilization amount for the day. This allows you to adjust the user or resource capacity based on their availability or workload, ensuring that the utilization values are calculated accurately.
For example:
If a user is on vacation or a resource is undergoing maintenance, you can set their status to “Out of Office” or “Maintenance” and set the “Lower Capacity” value for that status to YES. This will reduce their overall capacity for the day, ensuring that the utilization values are calculated correctly.
For more information on defining and configuring schedule statuses, please refer to the Configuring Schedule Status section of the NIM documentation.
Working with Linked Events¶
Linked events are a powerful feature within the schedule that allows for seamless management of events associated with jobs, resources, and users. These events are represented in multiple locations across the schedule, ensuring that all associated items are in sync whenever changes are made.
Understanding Linked Events¶
Understanding the functionality of linked events allows you to efficiently manage complex schedules with multiple dependencies, ensuring that all associated items remain synchronized and are accurately represented across the schedule.
Multiple Representations¶

When an event includes a job, resources, and/or users, that single event is represented in the schedule under each associated item.
For instance, if an event is linked to a job, a resource, and a user, it will appear in the Jobs, Resources, and Users tabs of the schedule. The event is displayed in the row corresponding to each linked item.
Similarly, if multiple users or resources are assigned to a single event, that event will appear once on the schedule for each associated user or resource.
Each of these three images illustrates how a single linked event is displayed across the Jobs, Users, and Resources tabs in the schedule. This event is represented in each tab, corresponding to its associated items, allowing you to manage the event comprehensively across all related elements.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Unified Modification¶

Linked events are essentially multiple representations of the same event. As such, any changes made to one representation will automatically apply to all other linked instances. This ensures that the event remains consistent across all views, regardless of where it is edited or moved.
When editing a linked event from any location, you will see all associated items (jobs, resources, users) listed in the event details. Any changes made to these items will be reflected in all linked representations of the event.
For example:
Moving or editing a linked event in the Users tab will update the event in the Jobs and Resources tabs as well.
Managing Linked Events¶
Making Events Unique¶

In cases where you need to manage a user or resource independently from the rest of the linked event, you can use the “Make Unique” option. This option is accessible via the right-click context menu in the row of the user or resource you wish to separate.
Selecting “Make Unique” will create an independent event for that specific user or resource, removing it from the original linked event. The newly independent event can then be modified without affecting the original event and its other linked representations.
Event Count Indicators¶

The total count of users or resources associated with a linked event is displayed on the event itself. This count is shown next to an icon representing the item type (user or resource), providing a quick reference for how many items are linked to the event.
Example Scenario
Imagine you have a project that involves multiple team members and resources. You create an event that links the project to the relevant job, assigns the necessary users, and reserves the required resources. This event will automatically appear in all relevant tabs (Jobs, Users, Resources), allowing you to manage the project holistically.
If, at some point, one team member needs to work independently from the rest, you can use the “Make Unique” option to separate their event. This gives you the flexibility to manage their schedule independently while keeping the rest of the project’s events linked and synchronized.
Key Points to Remember¶
Linked events ensure consistency across all associated items in the schedule.
Changes to one representation of a linked event affect all linked instances.
The “Make Unique” option allows for independent management of specific users or resources.
The event count indicator helps you track the number of linked users or resources at a glance.
By understanding how linked events function, you can effectively manage complex schedules with multiple dependencies, ensuring that all related items are kept in sync and accurately reflected in the schedule.
Adding Events¶
Adding an event to the schedule is a straightforward process that can be done in two ways:
Create a New Event¶
Double-click on a cell:

To quickly add an event, simply double-click on an empty cell within the Day, Week, or Range view.
This action will automatically open the event creation dialog box for that specific date and time and include the selected job, user, or resource.
Click the Add Event button:

Alternatively, you can click the button located at the top right of the schedule toolbar. This method is useful if you want to create a new event without specifying a time slot directly in the schedule grid.
The default start and end date will be set to the current date, but you can adjust them as needed in the Duration tab of the event creation dialog. You will also be required to select a job, user, or resource to link to the event depending on the current schedule view.
Event Creation Dialog¶

When you initiate the creation of a new event, whether by double-clicking on a cell or using the add button, a dialog box will appear where you can enter all necessary event details. This dialog is central to defining the event’s characteristics and linking it to the appropriate resources, users, or jobs.
Please refer to the Event Information section of the NIM documentation for more information on the event details and how to manage them effectively.
Editing Events¶
Editing an event in the schedule is straightforward and can be done in multiple ways.
Open the Event for Editing¶
Double-click on the event:

In the Range, Week, or Day view, simply double-click on the event you wish to edit.
This will open the event’s dialog box, where you can modify the event details.
Right-click on the event:

Alternatively, you can right-click on the event and choose Edit from the context menu. This option provides quick access to editing, especially useful when working with multiple events on the schedule.
When you open the event for editing, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to update any of the event’s details.
Committing Changes¶

After making the necessary changes, click the Save button to commit your updates. The event will be updated across all relevant areas of the schedule, reflecting the changes you made.
If you decide not to make any changes, click the Cancel button to close the dialog box and return to the schedule view without saving your edits.
Editing Repeating Events¶

Repeating events have the option to be edited as a series or as individual occurrences.
When editing a repeating event, a popup will appear asking if you wish to edit the current occurrence or the entire series of events.
Choosing to edit the series will edit all events in the series of repeating events.
Selecting the current occurrence will edit only the selected occurrence and make it unique from other recurring instances.
Unique Occurrences¶

If the event was previously part of a repeating series, but modified independently, a canceled repeat icon at the left of the event indicates that this is a unique occurrence in a repeating series.
Resetting Event Series¶
If you have a series of repeating events that has at least one occurrence that has been modified independently, you can reset the series to the original repeating event settings.

To do this, double click on the event or right click and choose Edit from the context menu.
A popup will appear asking if you wish to edit the current occurrence or edit the series.
Selecting the series will show an additional option to “Reset Series.”
Clicking this button will reset all events in the series to the original repeating event settings.
Moving Events¶
Events on the schedule can be easily moved or resized by clicking on specific areas of the event and dragging them to a new position.
Moving the Event¶

To move an entire event, click and hold on the center of the event. You can then drag it horizontally to change the date or vertically to assign it to a different user or resource.
Extending or Shortening the Event¶

To adjust the duration of an event, click and hold on either the left or right edge of the event. Dragging the edge will extend or shorten the event’s start or end time.
Deleting Events¶
Deleting an event from the schedule is simple and can be done in multiple ways.
Deleting an Event¶
Right-click on the event:

In any of the main views (Range, Week, or Day), you can right-click on the event you wish to remove.
From the context menu, select Delete to immediately delete the event from the schedule.
Delete from the Event Editing Dialog Box:
Alternatively, if you have already opened the event’s dialog box to edit it, you can delete the event by clicking the Delete button in the dialog box. This method is useful if you’re reviewing or modifying the event before deciding to delete it.
Deleting Repeating Events¶

Repeating events have the option to be deleted as a series or as individual occurrences.
When deleting a repeating event, a popup will appear asking if you wish to delete the current occurrence or the entire series of events.
Choosing to delete the series will delete all events in the series of repeating events.
Selecting the current occurrence will delete only the selected occurrence from the series.
When deleting an event, you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Once confirmed, the event or series of events will be permanently removed from the schedule. This action cannot be undone, so please ensure you want to delete the event before confirming the deletion.
Quick View¶

Clicking on an event will display the quick view tooltip, allowing you to quickly access key information about the event without needing to open the event editor.
Only the fields that have been set will be shown in the quick view.
The tooltip will list up to 5 users and 5 resources assigned to the event. If more than 5 users or resources are assigned, a “+ X more” line will appear, where X indicates the number of additional users or resources. To view all users and resources assigned to the event, open the event editor.
Scheduling conflicts occur when events overlap and violate a conflict rule, potentially causing issues with event assignments and resource allocation. The Conflicts panel in the schedule provides a centralized location to identify and resolve these conflicts, ensuring your schedule remains accurate and efficient.

Conflict Rules¶
Conflict rules are customizable conditions that trigger a conflict when met. These rules help you identify potential scheduling issues by providing warnings when conflicts arise.

Conflict rules can be tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to define the conditions that trigger a conflict and determine how they are resolved.
Conflicts can be linked to specific users and user groups or resources and resource groups. The conflict rule is triggered when an associated user or resource is assigned to an event that meets the defined conditions.
Conditions for conflict rules can include event statuses and/or the number of events scheduled on a specific day.
For more information on creating and managing conflict rules, please refer to the Creating Conflict Rules section of the NIM documentation.
Conflict Detection¶
The schedule automatically checks for conflicts during key actions, such as loading views, creating, editing, or moving events, and after modifying conflict rules. Conflict detection occurs in the background, allowing you to continue working uninterrupted while notifying you if a conflict is found.
Loading Schedule Views¶
Timezone-Specific Detection: Conflicts relevant to the user’s current timezone are identified when loading schedule views. This is particularly important for resolving All Day Events that overlap with events having specific start and end times, as All Day Events are date-centric and independent of timezone.
Current and Future Conflicts: When loading a view that includes the current day or any day within the next 6 months, the schedule detects all conflicts in this timeframe. This ensures that you are aware of any upcoming scheduling issues that may need to be addressed.
View-Specific Conflicts: Whenever a specific schedule view is loaded, a progress bar titled “Checking for conflicts” will appear at the top of the schedule during this process. If a conflict is detected, the conflict indicator will appear at the top of the schedule toolbar, notifying you of the conflict.
Conflicts in Past Events¶
Retention Period: Conflicts in past events remain active for 1 month from the current day, allowing users to review and resolve any historical conflicts.
Automatic Removal: After 1 month, unresolved conflicts in the past will be automatically removed the next time a view containing those conflicts is loaded.
Creating, Editing, or Moving Events¶
Immediate Detection: When an event is created, edited, or moved, the schedule immediately checks for conflicts involving the event. A progress bar titled “Checking for conflicts” will appear at the top of the schedule during this process. If a conflict is detected, the conflict indicator will appear, and an alert will notify you.
After Modifying Conflict Rules¶
Rechecking Events: If a conflict rule is modified, NIM will recheck all relevant events in the schedule the next time the schedule is accessed. This triggers the “Checking for conflicts” progress bar, indicating that the schedule is reassessing events against the updated rules. Once complete, any detected conflicts will be reflected in the schedule.
This real-time, timezone-specific conflict detection allows you to address issues immediately, ensuring your schedule remains accurate and efficient.
Conflict Indicator¶

When a conflict is detected, the conflict indicator (a ! icon) will appear in the schedule toolbar to the left of the search field. Clicking on the conflict indicator will open the Conflicts panel, where you can review and resolve any detected conflicts.
Creating Conflict Rules¶
To create a conflict rule, navigate to Admin > Schedule > Conflicts. Here you can define the conditions that will trigger a conflict. For more information on creating and managing conflict rules, please refer to the Creating Conflict Rules section of the NIM documentation.
Managing Conflicts¶

The Conflicts panel provides a centralized location to manage and resolve scheduling conflicts.
By using the tools available within the panel, you can quickly identify conflicts, understand their causes, and take appropriate action to resolve them.
For more information on managing conflicts, please refer to the Conflicts Panel section of the NIM documentation.
Utilization & Capacity¶
Utilization and capacity management are essential components of effective scheduling, ensuring that users and resources are allocated appropriately and efficiently. The schedule provides tools to define user and resource capacities, track utilization values, and manage event assignments to maintain a balanced and optimized schedule.
Visualizing Utilization¶
The schedule provides visual tools to help you quickly identify utilization values and capacity limits for users and resources. These indicators are displayed in the schedule grid, allowing you to assess utilization at a glance and make informed decisions when assigning events.
Utilization Views¶

The schedule offers multiple utilization views to help you visualize user and resource utilization values including utilization by hour/unit and utilization by percentage. These views provide a comprehensive overview of utilization across the schedule, allowing you to manage resources effectively.
For more information on utilizing the schedule’s visualization tools, please refer to the Utilization Views section of the NIM documentation.
Capacity Chart¶

The capacity chart provides a graphical representation of user and resource capacities, helping you understand how utilization values align with capacity limits. This visual tool allows you to identify potential scheduling issues and make adjustments to ensure that users and resources are allocated effectively.
For more information on using the capacity chart, please refer to the Capacity Chart section of the NIM documentation.
Defining User & Resource Capacities¶
User and resource capacities are defined in hours or units, respectively, and represent the maximum amount of work or resources that can be allocated for a specific user or resource. By setting these capacities, you can ensure that users and resources are scheduled effectively and avoid overallocation.
The capacity values are set directly on the user or resource profile page in the Admin > Users or Admin > Resources sections. For more information on defining user and resource capacities, please refer to the User Capacities and Resource Capacities sections of the NIM documentation.
The default utilization type and value per event are set in the Admin > Schedule > Options section. For more information on configuring schedule settings, please refer to the Schedule Options section of the NIM documentation.