
NIM media provides a solution for logging all objects, physical or virtual, coming into and out of the company. Media can be logged as a global entity, or as part of a job. All media items are given a unique media ID which can be used as a reference to the actual object. Media items include custom fields to record information specific to your company as well as relative tracking information to follow the history of possession.


Media types can be defined by using the Admin > Media Types panel found in the Main Menu. Information about adding Media Types can be found in the Admin & Configuration Settings section of the documentation.

Studio vs Job Media

Media items in NIM are owned by a parent object, which can be either the studio or a job. This allows for quickly identifying item information and tracking data relative to who owns the media.


In practical terms, Studio Media is any item that is used company wide. These items could include internal use hard drives, stock footage, computer rentals, etc. Job Media is any media item that is acquired specifically for an individual job. These items could include source media drives, licenses, CAD data, etc.

While the above examples provide some organizational options, the main distinction between media with different parents is how they can be accessed.

To access Studio Media, click on the Studio > Media section of the Main Menu.

Job Media can be accessed via the Studio > Media menu or by navigating directly to the job and choosing the Production > Media section of the Job Menu.


When creating media at the studio level, to log media against a job, select the desired job from the dropdown when editing the media item. If no job is selected, then the media will be logged to the studio. All media created from within a job will be automatically owned by the job.

Media ID

When creating a new Media item, a unique Media ID will be automatically generated. All media items are prefixed with the letter M followed by a group index and item number.

The Media ID format is as follows: M_<groupIndex>_<itemNumber>

The group index for Studio level media is “00000”, where as all items that are associated with a job will have a matching group index.

For example:

  • A Studio Media ID: M_00000_00001

  • A Job Media ID: M_01235_00001


When tracking physical items, quickly identify them by attaching a label with the Media ID.

Media UI

The Media UI is divided into three sections with a splitter bar between the Media Grid and Media Info panels:

Media Grid

Displays all media in a searchable, exportable grid

Media Info

Displays the details of the selected media

Media Tracking

Displays the tracking information for the selected media

Splitter Bar

Allows for resizing of the Media UI


Media Grid

The Media grid displays media items relative to the context. Accessing the media grid from the Studio menu will display all media items including Studio items as well as media items across all jobs. Accessing the media grid from within a job will only display media associated with the selected job.


Export to Excel

The media grid can be exported to Excel using the Export to Excel button at the top right of the media grid toolbar. Any filters that have been applied to the grid will be respected in the export.

Add Media

To add a new media item, click the nim_add_button_blue button at the top right of the Media Grid.

A new Media item will be created and appear in the Media Info panel where you can enter the details and click Save to confirm your changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the view mode without saving the new item.

Load Media

To see the details of an existing Media item, click on the item in the Media Grid and the corresponding Media details will be loaded in the Media Info panel.

Media Info

The Media Info panel displays all information pertaining to the Media item. NIM custom fields can be added to media to track any additional information your company may require. For more information on adding custom fields to media, please refer to the Custom Fields section of the documentation.

Edit Media


To edit a media item, click on a row from the grid to load the media item info panel. Click on the ellipsis menu in the media item info panel and choose Edit. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button at the bottom of the info panel to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the view mode without saving changes.

Delete Media

Delete a media item entry by selecting the media item from the grid, clicking the ellipsis menu in the media item panel, and selecting Delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the media item.

Media Details include:


  • A unique ID for all media items in the format “M_<groupIndex>_<itemNumber>”

  • All items assigned to the studio are logged against the number M_00000, for example M_00000_00001

  • The ID is automatically generated when the media is created


  • The parent job of the media item. Set this dropdown to None to associate this item with the studio.


  • The name for the media

Media Type

  • A dropdown to select the type of media

  • This dropdown is populated by the Media Types list defined in the Admin section of NIM.


  • A brief description of the media


  • Automatically set as the user logging the media


  • An automatically assigned date for when the media was initially logged


  • The media’s initial location

Media Tracking

The location of Media can be tracked using the Media Tracking panel. The tracking details displayed is the information associated with the Media item currently shown in the Media Info panel.


Add Tracking

To add new tracking information click the nim_add_button button at the top right of the Media Tracking panel.

A new Tracking item is added to the panel and is automatically set as checked “IN”.

Edit Tracking

To edit the tracking information click the nim_edit_button button at the right of the tracking info row. The selected row will become editable inline. Make the necessary changes and click the nim_accept_button button to save the changes. Choose cancel to return to the view mode without making changes.


Options include:

Check - (IN / OUT)

  • The state of the media item being checking in or out of it’s current location

  • This value toggles itself by default according to the last entries status

  • For example, if the last tracking item was checked IN, then next entry will automatically be checked OUT. This can be overridden from the dropdown.

Tracked By

  • The user tracking the information

  • By default this is assigned to the person creating the tracking information

Recieved From

  • The person/place/company the media was received from (if applicable)

Shipped To

  • The person/place/company the media was shipped to (if applicable)


  • The courier that was used for shipping (if applicable)

Tracking #

  • The tracking number supplied by the courier (if applicable)


  • (YES/NO) Has the shipment been confirmed as sent or received


  • The date of shipment (if applicable)

Delete Tracking

Delete a tracking entry by selecting the tracking row from the Media Tracking panel, and clicking the nim_delete_button at the right of the selected row. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the tracking.

Splitter Bar

The splitter bar allows for resizing of the Media UI by adjusting the division between the top section grid and the lower info and tracking. The splitter bar can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the bar between the two sections.


Clicking on the arrows on either side of the splitter bar will move the splitter bar to the maximum or minimum position. For example, clicking on the left arrow will adjust the top section to the minimum size, and the bottom section will be adjusted to the maximum size.